Ricardo González-Pinzón, Ph.D. 

Professor of Water Resources Engineering


EcoHydrology and HydroSystems Lab

My team does research on mass and energy fluxes in watersheds. Our interdisciplinary research involves hydrology, hydroinformatics, environmental engineering, aquatic ecology, aquatic chemistry, and mathematical and computational modeling.   


Research, Teaching & Outreach 

Our research, teaching and outreach activities are focused on the functioning and resilience of water resources systems. Our areas of specialty are hydrologic transport, wildfires effects on water quantity and quality, the interplay between food-energy and water resources, stream ecology, groundwater-surface water interactions, and smart tracers.  

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    Our research publications are the result of multidisciplinary and creative work with students, post-docs and collaborators. 
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    Lab members
    Our team is diverse and multidisciplinary. Here you can find information about current and past colleagues who have joined us. 
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    Teaching and Outreach
    I teach under/graduate courses in hydrology and water resources engineering. Our Center for Water and the Environment has many outreach activities to engage and serve the community.     


Featured Work








Our Approaches

Our lab couples experimental observations with mathematical, numerical and uncertainty modeling to investigate hydrological and biogeochemical processes in watersheds. Some of the methods we are further developing and using are:

  • Semi-continous sensors to understand biogeochemical (carbon and nutrient) processes at multiple temporal scales.
  • Geophysical and stream ecology methods to improve our understanding of solute transport, metabolism and nutrient dynamics.
  • Hydrologic modeling of rainfall-runoff processes and their effects in the mobilization of carbon and nutrients.
  • Mathematical models to investigate transport and biogeochemical processes under uncertainty analyses.
  • Smart tracers (such as resazurin) and sensors to better understand the coupling of solute transport and biological reactivity.
  • Scaling techniques to predict hydrological processes.


    Ricardo González-Pinzón, Ph.D.
    gonzaric (at) unm (dot) edu
    University of New Mexico
    Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering